niedziela, 27 września 2015

Niewidzialna wystawa - Invisible exhibition - Warszawa

W czwartek - 24 września, grupa uczennic i uczniów z klasy VI, uczęszczających na Etykę, "zwiedziła" niewidzialna wystawę w Warszawie.
Większość z Nas, nie wiedziała czego się spodziewać ale wszyscy byliśmy podekscytowani zbliżającym się doświadczeniem.

Tuz przed wejściem

Część widzialna wystawy:

Helen Keller-amerykańska pisarka i aktywistka
Ray Charles-król muzyki soul
Andrea Bocelli-muzyk 

 Alfabet Braille'a

 Widzialna część wystawy na której można doświadczać:

Przedmioty przystosowane dla osób niewidzących:

Przedmioty codziennego użytku: mówiący kalkulator, cedzak do jajka, linijka do podpisywania się i nasze największe odkrycie "parownik" do skarpet :)

W tle komputer przystosowany dla osób niewidzących

Zarówno po części widzialnej, jak i spacerze po części niewidzialnej, przewodnikami były osoby niewidzące.
Wszelkie informacje można uzyskać ze strony internetowej:

INVISIBLE EXHIBITION – Budapest – Prague – Warsaw

Imagine that all of the lights go completely out…
Invisible Exhibition is a unique interactive journey into the invisible world, where you can try out, how to cope in everyday situations without the help of sight – only by the sense of hearing, smell, balance… Exercise your senses! Trust us in the dark!
At the exhibition, our guides – blind or visually impaired – will guide you on a journey that will change your life.
Interesting? Strange? Alien? Or maybe natural? Do one hour of being blind may open your eyes?
Invisible Exhibition in Budapest, operating since 2007 and has since been visited by several hundred thousand people. Hoping for similar success, in 2011 opened in Prague, Czech her sister Neviditelná Vystava, which became the single most popular tourist destination of Prague.
At the exhibition our visitors acquire information through touch, hearing and smell, and sense of balance. This way they can in the new situation, in the absence of vision, to know not only the difficulties faced by blind people, but they also have held that even in the darkness of the world can be beautiful and full. The world smells and sounds in the exhibition creates our official Partner – Mood Media. The company is a leading provider of sensorial marketing solutions for business, which has extensive experience and broad base of professionals.
Invisible Exhibition wants to bring the world to himself sighted and blind, and through positive experiences teach us how we can help them and how to understand them. Under the protection of blind guides visit a specially-equipped and quite dark room. We will show you various real-life places. Amazing composition sounds and smells will make you forget that you’re on the show … You will experience how to navigate the urban hustle, how to pay for coffee at the bar, how to move around the house in total darkness, and more …
You have already seen talking watch? Braille typewriter? Do you know what is tyflographics? We will show you the items and tools that blind people use every day.
Let me show you how to change the world around you, and how he is changing!
Groups depart every 15 minutes, at any time, you can book a room for 8 people. Please, come to the place 15 minutes before you had time to receive a ticket and listen to all the necessary information
Everything here is exceptional!
For the journey into the world of Invisible Exhibition, prepare one and a half hour! 15-30 minutes in the visible and about 60 minutes to an invisible trip.
Good advice! Wear comfortable shoes!
The program is also intended for children from 8 years old!
Invisible Exhibition Warsaw – Trust us in the dark!
If you need an englishspeaking Guide, it’s not a problem – just let us know!

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